
Mr. Ngerr CEO
what is ALLstores About?
Your Expert in Brand Price Comparison and Video creation
We attract many users from across Deutschland, European countries, USA and the rest of the world.
Why? Maybe it’s because we currently have lot of offers from the World´s biggest Stores to compare from. Our prices are updated regularly and feature comprehensive, thoroughly researched product information. Using all of this, we equip consumers with the knowledge they need to find the cheapest prices.
For over Five years, Allstores has been utilizing its expertise in technology and data-driven performance marketing to help online retailers find new customers to grow sales – see our services
Allstores is a registered company in Germany in 2019, Niedersachsen from the founder and CEO Alas Ngerr.
Since then the Company is Growing at a rapid pace and engaging with the common online Businesses and working with our partners in different online activities in the world today.
Our aim is to give you a complete and unbiased price and product comparison service. The Stores pay us for the traffic we send them. For you is no additional Fee from us.